Home Organization Done Simply

One of the key principles of Neurodynamic Breathwork is “the way past is through”. This philosophy applies nicely to home organization and clutter clearing. When we become aware of our possessions, their purpose and the feelings they evoke, we have the opportunity to take action.

I challenge you to look around your home and take inventory of your possessions. What items serve a purpose and fulfill a need? What items have reached their expiry? Often we let things collect and take space in our homes. But are you aware of all the emotional debt you are collecting in the process? On a subconscious level living in clutter can impact our sense of well-being. In extreme cases, it could also be a health and safety issue.

Home organization is a lifestyle and it is available to everyone. The common ground is our need for order and the positive feelings it creates. You can make home organization work for you on any budget. Storage solutions and interior design can be as elaborate or as simplified as you want. Don’t let money be the barrier to beginning this process. Storage solutions may look like repurposing yogurt containers, clear mason jars, structured boxes from the grocery store or dollar store finds. It doesn’t matter where you start as long as you do. Over time these storage solutions can be upgraded to serve your needs accordingly.

I am a big believer in giving items a home within your home. When we do this we allow others to get involved and maintain the system along with us. It also allows us to honor and respect our possessions. The way we treat our things reflects underlying values we have. Watch your life improve when you demonstrate gratitude for your belongings.

Our home is more than the place we live. It is where we return after the labors of the day. What is the overall feeling you have when you first come home? Take notice of these feelings and where your energy and time go. When you have an effective system in place your time and energy can be redirected into things that inspire you. An example of where you may be losing time is your laundry routine. How many times do you return to the overflowing laundry basket in search of an item? Not only is this frustrating but it is not an effective use of your time. You likely invest more time searching for items than you would need to fold and put it away.

Three piles of shirts with hand written signs saying "Keep", "Donate", and "Discard"


  1. List every room in your home, list the space that requires organization in the room, and begin.

  2. Edit (keep, donate, discard), categorize (systematize), and contain the items.

  3. Use labels to maintain the system.


Change your Vantage Point


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